Discover the rhythm that moves you at our upcoming Zumba events. Join us for exciting workouts and classes that fuse dance and fitness into a party-like atmosphere.
Together with Slovenian Zumba instructors, we invite you to the VALENTINE’S ZUMBA® MASTERCLASS, where we'll dance, connect, and spread positive energy!
Grab your red outfit, invite your friends, and dance with us to rhythms that will fill your heart with energy and joy. Let’s turn Valentine’s Day into an unforgettable dance experience!
World-renowned Zumba instructor from Romania, Alina Duma, is coming to Slovenia!
In the fall of 2025, we invite all Zumba enthusiasts to the ZUMBA® MASTERCLASS with ALINO DUMA and Zumbalicious Crew. Alina has been an internationally recognized Zumba instructor and dancer since childhood. In 2019, she earned the title of "Zumba Next Rising Presenter" and charmed the world with her authenticity. Her energy inspires crowds around the globe, touching everyone who joins her. Join the event, where you will be captivated by her positive energy, professionalism, and selection of excellent Zumba choreographies, suitable for everyone!
ZIN members - contact us for a special offer!
Together with Slovenian Zumba instructors, we invite you to the CHARITY ZUMBA® MASTERCLASS, where we'll dance for a good cause.
Join us for a special Zumba Masterclass in support of the fight against breast cancer. We will dance, have fun, and raise donations for the organization Europa Donna Slovenia.
Grab your pink clothes and invite your friends – together we can make a difference!
Let the pink energy spread – see you on the dance floor!
World-renowned Zumba instructor from Puerto Rico, ZJ Rony (Rony Gratereaut), is coming to Slovenia.
This Autumn we invite all Zumba lovers to ZUMBA® MASTERCLASS with ZJ RONY and Zumbalicious Crew! ZJ Rony is an internationally recognized Zumba instructor and Zumba Jammer. With his energy and authenticity, he inspires crowds all over the world and touches the hearts of everyone who joins him. Join the event where he will mesmerise you with his positive energy, professionalism, and selection of excellent Zumba choreographies suitable for everyone!
ZIN members - contact us for a special offer!
World-renowned Zumba presenters from Colombia, also known as Brothers Twinz, are coming to Slovenia!
This Autumn we invite all Zumba lovers to 2,5 hours ZUMBA® MASTERCLASS with Brothers Twinz and Zumbalicious Crew! Daniel and Nicolas Garcia inspire thousands of people around the world and we’re sure they will impress you, too. Attend the event and experience their unique blend of great Zumba choreographies and crazy Latin fun, suitable for everyone. Come and see for yourself why so many Zumba lovers are going crazy about the twins from Colombia!
ZIN members - contact us for a special offer!
World-renowned presenters, dancers and choreographers from Colombia, also known as Brothers Twinz, will hold a Salsa Caleña workshop in Slovenia. The workshop is dedicated to the city of Cali, Colombia, where our guests were born and raised.
Salsa caleña workshop will be 2 hours long and we will learn about the history and culture of salsa in Cali, the basic steps of salsa caleña and choreography, which we will record at the end of the class.
This workshop is suitable for all dance enthusiasts – from the beginners to more advanced salsa dancers.
Come and join us on this incredible workshop that you will definitely love!
World-renowned Zumba presenter from the Dominican Republic – PEDRO CAMACHO, is coming to Slovenia!
At the start of the new Zumba season, we’re inviting you to join us on 2 hour ZUMBA®MASTERCLASS led by energetic and enthusiastic PEDRO CAMACHO.
Pedro is an international Zumba instructor, who inspires people and fills sports halls all over the world with his dedication and positive energy. Throughout his career, he shared the stage with numerous big names in the Zumba world, one of them being Beto Perez, the creator of Zumba
Odločile smo se, da je čas, da se ponovno združimo in zaplešemo skupaj v živo, zato bo naš sedmi, tradicionalni dogodek po dveh letih ponovno potekal v dvorani.
Vabimo te, da se nam pridružiš na »Welcome Spring Zumba Party«, kjer bomo skupaj pozdravili pomlad tako kot mi najbolje znamo – s plesom in pozitivno energijo!
Zate pripravljamo športno obarvano zabavo in pester spremljevalni program. V ritme ZUMBE te bomo popeljale nasmejane in energične Zumbalicious Crew, prepotil/a se boš ob gostujoči vadbi BADASS BEJBA z Manco Šepetavc, z nami pa bo tudi prehranska svetovalka Simona Fabjan.
Na dogodku te bomo razvajali z degustacijo različnih dobrot, vsak udeleženec bo prejel praktično darilo, potegoval/a pa se boš lahko tudi za super nagrade naših sponzorjev!